Custom Query (981 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#741 fixed "Requesting 0 seconds of work"-text may be confusing davea jbk

In certain situations (for instance when a project has flagged that the client should check back for aborted results now and then) the repeated log messages "Sending scheduler request: Requested by project. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks" seem to annoy users. This is especially the case when they have selected "No more work" or similar (does this also happen when a project is suspended?) when the log message is still printed.

Solution: To make users happy find another wording for 0 second scheduler requests that does not include the word "work". For instance only include text about work and completed tasks if the relevant number is greater than 0.

#820 fixed "Terms of use" feature causes warning in get_project_config.php davea Nicolas

I just looked at my project's get_project_config.php. I'm not using the "terms of use" feature (only one project is using it as far as I know). The get_project_config output looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

    <user_friendly_name>Mac OS 10.4 or later running on Intel</user_friendly_name>
    <user_friendly_name>Linux running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU</user_friendly_name>
    <user_friendly_name>Microsoft Windows (98 or later) running on an Intel x86-compatible CPU</user_friendly_name>
    <user_friendly_name>Linux running on an AMD x86_64 or Intel EM64T CPU</user_friendly_name>
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  file_get_contents(../../terms_of_use.txt)
[<a href='function.file-get-contents'>function.file-get-contents</a>]:
failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
on line <b>122</b><br />


The script should be checking if the file exists before trying to read it.

#1016 fixed "ati_check" in sched_customize davea sesef

I think here should be

hu.natis = ndevs; 


hu.ncudas = ndevs;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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