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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#109 worksforme Network activity problem romw Ageless

Comments: Posted by: arnaud_71fr Date: 8:50 PM 11-25-2006 I have the following problem: Machine 1: running Windows XP with Boinc 5.7.5 Machine 2: running Linux Suse 10 with Boinc 5.4.9

On Machine 2, the network activity is always suspended. On Machine 1, network activity is active.

When connecting to Machine 2 with the Boinc Manager 5.7.5 of Machine 1, the network activity goes from suspended to active automatically on Machine 2.

#111 worksforme boinc manager keeps losing conection to localhost Undetermined Ageless

Posted by: julianellis Date: 2:50 PM 12-15-2006 Runing 5.8.0 now but error has happened on all previous versions.

Intermittent fault -for some reason boinc manager loses its conection to local host and although it keeps trying to reconect it never does until I exit boinc manager and restart it.

After months of this happening I have narrowed it down to 1 common factor that is the same all the times it happens "work is assigned to a project but before the download begins the disconnect happens when I restart boinc the download then begins and normality is resumed"

the most common project for this to happen with is Rossetta but it does happen ocaisionally with other projects too but it is a lot less often when I have rossetta set to no new work.

#117 worksforme Mac Permissions and Optimized Apps charlief KSMarksPsych


On my first attempt to install a Team MacNN optimized SETI@home app under BOINC 5.8.15 on a new iMac, this error dialog came up:

BOINC ownership or permissions are not set properly; please reinstall BOINC.

(Error code -1202)

I solved the problem by changing the permissions on the new files. I very much doubt reinstalling BOINC would have helped -- at least it would have been overkill. I suggest that this message be reworded.

On a vaguely related subject, many Mac users are reporting (relatively harmless) "–5000" error messages resulting from a failure to change S@h apps' (stock and optimized versions both) generic icon to the 'green dish', also caused, I presume, by the new permissions arrangement. (I don't know whether or not any other projects have custom icons for their apps.) Is there any way for a user to fix this? If not, can it be addressed in a future version of BOINC? It's mainly cosmetic, but annoying nonetheless -- and overall these error reports must be adding megabytes of superfluous text to the "stderr out" files, consuming bandwidth and cluttering the results database.

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