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Results (61 - 63 of 981)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#453 fixed Vista networking issue? BOINC exits on up-/downloading. davea Ageless

See this thread on the BOINC forums for all the information.

In short, BOINC exits when it is up- and downloading tasks. This is on a Business edition of Windows Vista with BOINC 5.10.20 .. It's installed in its own directory, run as administrator. BOINC just quits without warning.

The BOINC Manager window is open, but all the tabs show no data, and after a while, a messagebox appeared saying "BOINC Manager is not able to connect to a BOINC client. Would you like to try to connect again?". I press Yes and the tabs populate again and things start running again.

2007-09-28 08:21:27 [rosetta@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
2007-09-28 08:21:27 [rosetta@home] Requesting 40 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 completed tasks
2007-09-28 08:21:32 [rosetta@home] Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
2007-09-28 08:21:32 [rosetta@home] Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
2007-09-28 08:21:32 [rosetta@home] Reason: requested by project
2007-09-28 08:21:34 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file vvv001_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
2007-09-28 08:21:34 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file vvv001_09_05.200_v1_3.gz

To pause/resume tasks hit CTRL-C, to exit hit CTRL-BREAK
2007-09-28 08:45:47 [---] Starting BOINC client version 5.10.20 for windows_intelx86


2007-10-10 10:03:32 [boincsimap] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
2007-10-10 10:03:32 [boincsimap] Requesting 47 seconds of new work
2007-10-10 10:03:37 [boincsimap] Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 511]
2007-10-10 10:03:37 [boincsimap] Deferring communication for 7 sec
2007-10-10 10:03:37 [boincsimap] Reason: requested by project
2007-10-10 10:03:39 [boincsimap] [file_xfer] Started download of file 7100204.030123

To pause/resume tasks hit CTRL-C, to exit hit CTRL-BREAK
2007-10-10 10:16:39 [---] Starting BOINC client version 5.10.20 for windows_intelx86
#465 fixed Simple View: Custom skin reverts back to default on reboot/log off romw Ageless

As first reported on the BOINC forums, when installing a custom skin in Simple View in BOINC Manager and then you reboot the computer or log off/log back on, the skin reverts back to the default skin.

I have reproduced this with both skins given in this post, installing it and logging off/logging back on, restarting BOINC Manager.

BOINC 5.10.28, Windows 2000 SP4.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install skin of choice in \BOINC\skins\
  2. Open BOINC Manager, Simple View.
  3. Preferences, choose skin, save preferences.
  4. With BM open, log off or reboot (logging off is easier ;-))
  5. Log back on, open BM
  6. Result is default skin.
#474 fixed Editing first post removes title of thread, names it (no title). davea Ageless

In the new forum code (updated to 14201 I think, at least 3 hours ago at the time I post this), when making a new thread, then editing the first post of said thread, the title of the thread changes to (no title). There's no way after that that the thread title can be changed, except for a direct database edit.

Found and tested on Enigma@Home.

(Also, the double slashes are back in the URLs. Or is that a database thing?) as example for thread having changed its title and showing the double slashes.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.