Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 981)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#361 worksforme Linux hostname is always localhost.localdomain davea Ageless

Both in client_state.xml and on any project we connect to with (at least) a 5.10 client, the computername is always shown as localhost.localdomain, never as the hostname of the computer.

When I open a terminal window and do hostname -a it shows my hostname correctly. Not with BOINC though.

I understand from Rom that BOINC calls a POSIXs api to get the local computer name, but that doesn't seem to work. Can't BOINC just read /etc/hostname ? Or use gethostname (see also gethostname(2) ?

#365 fixed Scrolling the list of projects in the Statistics tab. romw Ageless

On behalf of temezi at this Pirates thread:

I use the Mac version of BOINC 5.10.7.

Can you make it so that the list of projects in the Statistics window are in their own separate frame so that they can scrolled through, rather than being cut off when the window is too small? I am attached to 35 projects so there's a few I can't see even when the window is as big as possible.

#406 fixed Change Date format in BOINC messages davea Ageless

Could we have a change towards the date format used in the general preferences?

Example given from my own computer:

12-Sep-07 15:08:42
General prefs: from Einstein@Home (last modified 2007-05-08 18:35:31)

The last modified date is a bit difficult to read. Is it the 8th of May or the 5th of August? It would help if this also got the month by its name in the messages. The actual log time already has this.

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