Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 981)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#295 wontfix Per application or project settable affinity of CPUs. davea Ageless

As posted by David Braun on Predictor Alpha:

I think it would be nice to have a per project or per application preferences such as "use at most N cores for application/project blah", or maybe "when application blah is active use at most N cores.

#296 invalid Benchmarks hang on 5.10.7 (Windows 32bit) davea Ageless

It would appear that BOINC 5.10.7 has problems re-running its benchmarks every 7 days.

I had to exit BOINC and restart it, then re-run benchmarks to get it to do it the way it should. Yet before that, I was already 2 minutes doing nothing but running benchmarks.

#359 duplicate Tasks don't suspend with mouse movement on Ubuntu davea Ageless

As reported by lv84 on the BOINC forums:

"When BOINC is configured to suspend during user activity, it continues running with only mouse activity. However, if the keyboard is used, the activity does suspend. I use the touchpad on a notebook which I suppose may have some impact on this issue, and the i810 xorg driver for video. I discovered this issue in the Ubuntu 7.04 version of boinc-client, and the official stable and development versions of the client."

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