Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 981)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#149 fixed Resource share bars showing full, not percentage romw Ageless

The resource share bars in Boinc Manager->Projects should show the percentage used when using multiple projects. Now they all show as full (100%), even with different RS and percentages.

#163 wontfix RDCF problem when leaving a project and returning to it davea Ageless

Result Duration Correction Factor will go down to the lowest it can on a project, but when the project puts a new application in, the RDCF number is useless. It will ask too much work. The same happens when someone leaves a project when the results are at a low runtime and returns later, when the results are at a high run time.

I know the RDCF is to teach BOINC how long rsults run and thus how much work it can ask to top off the queue for that project, but this goes awry on multiple projects. Perhaps that when people detach from or don't ask for new work 4(+) weeks from the project, that their RDCF number is reset to 1 automatically?

It would help take down some confusion.

#164 fixed Aborting a Task romw Ageless

I have found that I can abort a task multiple times I the Tasks tab in BOINC Manager. Just a moment ago I got 100 Tasks send to me by a test project, I went to abort a couple of the by hand to test BOINC.

When returning to a couple of Taks already aborted and showing 100%, I still got the option to abort the unit. I also got the same "Are you sure you want to abort this result 'result name; percentage done';" message as I would get on a Task I hadn't aborted yet.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.