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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#32 fixed End of project issue. davea KSMarksPsych

Posted by: Date: 1:05 PM 06-07-2005 It would be useful for the project to be able to do a graceful shut down.


Have the project respond to an RPC with a message that indicates the project is permanently shutdown, and have the status of the project change in the UI to be something like "terminated" so that the user would know to disconnect from the project.

If we just have the project automatically disconnected, the users would be very puzzled as to why. I can see the complaints about the "bug" that disconnected my computers from project X.

This is going to affect the manager, the daemon, and the server. However I believe that most of the work will be in the daemon so I am putting it there.

Should we have this in place before Pirates shuts down? If they are planning on shutting down soon, this could be one last test that they do.

#33 wontfix Specifying a MySQL socket for BOINC server database? davea KSMarksPsych

Posted by: Date: 2:01 PM 06-28-2005 For the project in question, the means by which the BOINC server software may connect to the MySQL software is a socket (which is different than the socket specified in /etc/my.cnf). Currently, there is no clear way to specify the use of this arbitrary socket during project setup. Currently, my fix is to change and to treat the database host parameter to accept these types of values: "host", "host:port", and ":/path/to/socket" (the behind-the-scenes MySQL API does allow arbitrary hosts, ports, and sockets). However, this really isn't a permanent solution, and I would also prefer not to have to make those edits every time I ever update the BOINC software.

P.S. This is actually in the server-side distribution all the way up to 4.68.

#34 wontfix Add News tab for news from all the projects romw KSMarksPsych

Posted by: Date: 8:24 PM 06-28-2005 Idea: have a seperate tab in the Boinc GUI which holds all the updated news from the various projects their news pages/technical news. Downloaded to the harddrive in a text file.

There's just the problem with how to show it in a coherent way. Options: buttons on the side per project, or choosing the project in the Projects tab, the news will show accordingly.

It would probably be a sort of RSS feed, but then inside the Boinc GUI.

Another problem would be how to capture the news. Probably the wisest thing is to let it check the news pages once every time contact is made to the scheduler (dial-up) or at the same time that the automated scheduling check is made (always on connections).

In the event of new news, have it overwrite or add to the text file on the harddrive. In that case one could even think of a way to purge old news from the file once news is older than X days.

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