Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#463 [PATCH] user activity detection inoperative on Linux patch reopened davea Defect Major
#913 [PATCH] server status page needs detail by CPU/GPU/app patch reopened davea Defect Undetermined
#659 [PATCH] Until <project_name> is known, Manager's Statistics tab displays an empty string patch new romw Defect Trivial
#139 [PATCH] Project-by-project network disable (similar to communications deferred) patch reopened davea Enhancement Major
#995 [PATCH] Build fixes under MinGW mingw build patch new davea Defect Minor
#737 [PATCH] BOINC Mgr does not display zero free space in disk tab patch new romw Defect Trivial
#660 [PATCH] Add custom filter to validate time fields in AdvPrefsDialog in BM patch new romw Enhancement Trivial
#647 Remove -fomit-frame-pointer and -ffast-math gcc flags patch new davea Defect Minor
#116 Provide libboincapi as a DLL patch new romw Enhancement Minor
#872 Many visual and style changes. Redesigned forum style and changes for other parts of website. patch CSS new davea Enhancement Minor
#243 Improve const-correctness const patch new davea Enhancement Minor
#813 BOINC Project Website - validation fixes and near-future plans patch new davea Enhancement Minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.