Custom Query (215 matches)


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Results (201 - 215 of 215)

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Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1237 While BOINC is closed to tray, trying to launch from Start Screen or Taskbar shortcut does not restore from tray romw Defect Undetermined 7.0.28
#1238 BOINC Manager crash - Statistics Tab - Clicking "All projects (sum)" while a project hasn't initialized romw Defect Undetermined 7.0.28
#1240 Add Project - Adding a project that is down results in error dialog romw Defect Undetermined 7.0.28
#1241 When switching Language, sometimes a "new notice" notification is generated, when there are no new notices romw Defect Undetermined 7.0.60
#1310 GPU-tasks do not verify how many CPUs are used romw Enhancement Undetermined 7.2.4
#1328 BOINC Manager Crash - Quickly alternate clicks on tray icon romw Defect Undetermined 7.2.11
#1335 Boinc manager can't connect to client using "localhost" romw Defect Undetermined 7.2.33
#1362 proxy issue on UI romw Defect Undetermined 7.2.42

Status: reopened (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#139 [PATCH] Project-by-project network disable (similar to communications deferred) davea Enhancement Major
#119 Border partially missing from graphics window in BSG 6.2.11 romw Defect Minor 6.6.37
#790 Exit Manager for startup changes to stick (reopened) romw Defect Minor 6.6.20
#28 Check for new BOINC update romw Enhancement Trivial
#692 xpm icons cause lots of compiler warnings romw Defect Trivial
#793 Open BOINC Web... opens the Account Manager web page instead of the BOINC web page romw Defect Trivial 6.2.19
#1105 Reorder and Chunk the Tools, Advanced, and Help menus romw Enhancement Trivial 6.12.26
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