Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 981)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#221 romw Rattledagger fixed v5.10.0 - Win64 - attach/syncronice AMS crash Manager.

With win2003/64 and 64-bit BOINC-client, if you chooses "Attach to Account Manager" or "Syncronize with AMS", most of the time instead of showing dialog-window, the BOINC Manager locks-up, starts using 100% cpu-usage, and has a memory-leak so after a couple minutes tries using 90% of computers memory...

It's maybe not crashing the 1st. time you tries, but try a couple times, and it does.

#233 davea Saenger fixed Option to opt-out of private messaging as default

At the moment I can't opt out of private messaging in the projects, so anyone can bother me with spam, threats or whatever.

Nobody opted in to allow other crunchers to send him/her a pm, so per definition every single pm is a spam (in the valid, strict way of voluntary opt-in as the definition of non-spam, possible opt-out is not a valid definition of non-spam).

As this feature was implemented without explicit consent of the participants, nobody has opted in, so everybody has opted out.

Unfortunately it's not even possible to opt out at all, that's a strict nono, it has to be changed asap. The default setting for this option has to be set to "Private Messages Wanted - No", and only to be changed in a consenting manner by the participant.

I've started a thread for the discussion of this issue in the forum:

#237 romw fthomas fixed current BM fails to build with wxWidgets unicode variant


Current BM fails to build with wxWidgets unicode variant under Debian with these errors:

SkinManager.cpp: In member function ‘bool CSkinManager::ReloadSkin(wxLocale*, wxString)’:
SkinManager.cpp:1210: error: cannot convert ‘const wxChar*’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘FILE* fopen(const char*, const char*)’
SkinManager.cpp:1221: error: cannot convert ‘const wxChar*’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘FILE* fopen(const char*, const char*)’
SkinManager.cpp:1232: error: cannot convert ‘const wxChar*’ to ‘const char*’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘FILE* fopen(const char*, const char*)’

SkinManager.cpp: In member function ‘int CSkinManager::Parse(MIOFILE&, wxString)’:
SkinManager.cpp:1346: error: no matching function for call to ‘match_tag(char [256], const wxChar*)’
../lib/parse.h:62: note: candidates are: bool match_tag(const char*, const char*)
../lib/parse.h:67: note:                 bool match_tag(const std::string&, const char*)
SkinManager.cpp:1355: error: no matching function for call to ‘match_tag(char [256], const wxChar*)’
../lib/parse.h:62: note: candidates are: bool match_tag(const char*, const char*)
../lib/parse.h:67: note:                 bool match_tag(const std::string&, const char*)

Something like the attached patch fixes the build failures.

Regards, Frank

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