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Results (85 - 87 of 981)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#839 charlief ploppy worksforme BOINC client started by BOINC Manager shows to Mac OS X as hanging

The 'boinc' process started by BOINC Manager eventually shows in Activity Monitor as "not responding". Accordingly, 'spindump' will waste a bit of CPU sampling the supposedly hanging 'boinc' process.

I don't know exactly what triggers the OS to mark a process as "not responding" but I'm sure that it wouldn't happen if the BOINC client would be a proper launchd job. It might also be worth having the BOINC client call setsid() if it isn't started as a launchd job.

tested on 6.2.18 and 6.6.3.

#845 romw teleyinex fixed BOINC Manager interface is a bit confusing for volunteers

I have get a lot of feedback about users having lots of problems to join an Account Manager from the BOINC Manager. The main problem relies on the fact that BOINC Manager has two different ways to join a project and and Account Manager. As users basically don't read the information that we submit to them, they try to attach their clients on the first window that appears: the window for attaching clients to BOINC projects, not Account Managers. Thus, if they are trying to join an Account Manager they get an error.

My proposal is the following: is it possible to merge both methods in only one? I mean, is it possible to join a BOINC project or an Account Manager from the same window, without having to explain to users that they have to cancel the first window, go to Tools, and then Attach your client to an Account Manager?.

I think that if this is possible, it will be an interesting improvement to the user experience, as for them it will be very easy to join an Account Manager or a BOINC project.

What do you think?

#846 davea greenrd fixed BOINC manager uses network outside of allowed time ranges

I am using BOINC manager on Mac OS X 10.5.6. I have set it to only use the network between 00:00 and 08:00; however, I just caught it uploading data right now (16:03).

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