Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 981)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#715 davea Eric Myers fixed Keeping track of applied database updates

I suspect many projects don't upgrade because it is not easy to do, and one thing that takes time and attention is doing the database updates. You have to sort out by hand which ones you've already applied and only apply the new ones. It would be very useful if a log was kept of which updates had been applied. Even better, when running the update script have it check this log and decline to apply the updates which have already been applied.

The attached file, db_update_util.php, contains a modified version of the do_query() function which does all that. It can handle updates which consist of more than one mySQL request. The log file db_update.log is kept in the project log directory, and while the lines written to it by do_query() have a timestamp, one can also add lines by hand with just the names of previously applied updates.

#727 farmerken invalid cannot get work


I added protien@home to my projects but keep getting communication defered. seti and my other project are working fine. Can you advise me on this matter?

thank you,


#733 davea chris49 fixed all downloaded WU active

Did anyone see something like that? All downloaded results were active on a machine with only two virtuell CPU (Pentium 4 HT). I found the bug running SIMAP/Malariacontrol WU on core client 6.3.10. Rev. 15984, build with gcc 4.3.2 on ubuntu 8.10 alpha. Berkeley Build 6.3.10 and core client builds from last week svn trunk are ok.

OS: Linux: 2.6.27-2-generic

Memory: 1.98 GB physical, 5.79 GB virtual

Disk: 456.34 GB total, 348.09 GB free

Local time is UTC +2 hours

Not using a proxy

CUDA devices found

Coprocessor: Device Emulation (CPU) (1)

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