Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 981)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#697 mtughan duplicate After restarting the BOINC CC, errored WUs are marked as Ready to Report rather than keeping Computation Error.

If a workunit fails out and the core client is restarted before it has a chance to report the workunit error, the workunit is marked as being Ready to Report instead of it keeping Computation Error. Seems like BOINC isn't keeping error data for WUs. I don't know what one of those WUs looks like on the server after having been reported; last I saw the issue, I just reported them and forgot about it.

#706 romw dgoldsmith fixed Mac OS X: If CPU usage set <100%, screen saver rapidly bounces between "suspended" and active

On Mac OS X, if you have your preference set to use less than 100% of the CPU, the screen saver is constantly bouncing between "BOINC is suspended" and showing one of your projects' screensavers. This is new behavior in BOINC 6. With BOINC 5, the screen saver would just pause when BOINC suspended to reduce CPU load. That made the screen saver animation a little jerky, but that was OK.

The new behavior makes the screen saver pretty much non-functional if you have your CPU load set less than 100%

#710 davea Yin Gang fixed export RSS feed for threads in message board

It would help volunteers to know about what's happening recently in the forums and they would really access the forums when they find something they're interested in.

Furthur, it would be even better to provide some direct method to subscribing feeds to some popular online reader such as Google Reader, etc.

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