Custom Query (981 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 981)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#473 rayhol invalid want to delete acc. but don't know past word.


I would like to start use this again but have forgotten the past word and user name.

My e-mail address is


Could you delete ref to this so I can start again


Ray Holley

#480 davea dollebolle worksforme BOINC Client does not kill jobs which have reached rsc_fpops_bound


the bounc client does not kill jobs and clean slot directories if the rsc_fpops_bound limit is reached!

if the limit is reached, the calculationprogram runs in the background and the client download new work. then there is trouble in the slots directory!

sorry for my bad englisch, i hope you can understand what i want to say.

#519 charlief beezel invalid installing on OS X should not require admin

it is generally a good practice to allow for the choice of an app to be installed for the current user only, or all users. many users deem it a good security practice to never install apps as admin. please allow boinc to be installed without the need for admin privileges.

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